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First steps with the mobile application

The mobile application can be used to enter daily records into the construction project diary and generate daily reports. It will become your great tool to work on site. However, its purpose is not to replace all the functionality of the web application.

Therefore, the first steps such as creating an account, a project and a diary, adding new project team members etc. are always required to do in the WEB application at

Therefore, we recommend installing and using the mobile app only after you have prepared your project and diary in the web application.

How to get a mobile app for Android

You can download app at Google Play (link

The application requires Android version 5.0 and higher. If you own a device with an incompatible version of Android, you will not see app at Google Play.

How to get a mobile app for iOS

This version of the application is currently in the testing phase. You can learn about the current status at or ask us on

Application login

The user does not have an account created

We recommend using the web application in order to create and activate an account Buildary. The registration process is described in the chapter Application access.

The user has an account created

  • After the first start of the application, a window with the Login … button will appear.

  * Press the Login button and the Firstis Account form appears.   * Enter your login name and password the Recently used diaries window appears with a list of recently opened construction project diaries.   * You can also use the Select Project/Diary button at the bottom of the window to choose a project first and diary as a second step.

You need to login to the app only for the first time. The next time you will be logged in automatically.

Project and diary selection

You can select a project and a diary in several ways.

Recently used diaries

This window displays the diaries recently opened in your mobile app. Into this window you can get in two ways:    * After login to the application.    * Press the back system navigation button displayed on the bottom bar of the screen (or the hardware button, depending on the type of mobile phone).

Current project and diary information hidden at the top of the screen

By dragging down on the top toolbar you can display information about the currently open project and the diary. You can coose another project or diary with Change option. It opens the Select Project/Diary window.

en/diary/m_firststeps.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/16 20:56 by Administrátor

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