
Daily entries

You can find a detailed description of the diary daily entries in Daily entries part. Here is just a description of how to work with the mobile apps.

Description of Daily Records Window in mobile app

The daily entries window is divided into four parts:

  1. On the top, there is a Control Panel containing the application menu, the name of the selected diary, the control buttons, and the context menu.
  2. Under the control panel, there is a Calendar panel with the selected day and one-day forward or backward buttons. When the panel is pressed, a calendar window is displayed for direct day selection. The calendar panel is underlined with a colour line indicating the state of the day.
  3. Under the calendar panel, there are tabs with diary Sections. You can choose a section by pressing the section name or dragging the finger to the sides to move the section panel in the desired direction. The current section is underlined with blue colour.
  4. Below the Section panel, there is a window with diary entries. The content of entry differs according to the diary section.


You can insert a note into Weather, Labour, Plants and Material sections. The note applies to all entries of this day and section. The button for editing or viewing a note is located in the control panel.

The button has two states:

The note is empty.

The note has some content.

Touch gestures

Gesture Screen Position Action Performed
Vertical drag Control panel Opens a window for a project and/or diary selection
Vertical drag Section window Rolling the daily entries
Horizontal drag Section window Rolling the section panel
Press Calendar panel Opens calendar window
Press Section panel Opens selected section window
Press Any button Initiates the button function
Long press Diary entry If the day is not locked, it initiates multi-select mode

Application menu

These menu functions are available after pressing the button with three horizontal bars (hamburger menu) on the left side of the control panel:

Context menu

The context menu is available after pressing the vertical dot button on the right side of the control panel.

Not all the options are present it the day is locked already.

Day status

The calendar panel is underlined in different colours. Colours describe the status of the day that changes over time:


 Press the cloud button to load the weather data from the Internet server. GPS coordinates must be filled in in the project information window. Weather data can be edited manually. You can add up a note.

It does not matter when you download the weather data. The server uses either already measured values from meteorological stations (if available) or a weather forecast.

Labour on the site and other sections of regular entries

To enter daily records press the + button. Fill in data in the form window and save it with a disc icon. If you want to edit the entry, tap the entry line.

When entering records, the help of previously entered data is available. Values from the current diary and section are listed. Values from other diaries or from other sections are not available. The only exception is the list o contractors which covers all sections of the diary.

Sections with regular entries allow you to add a note. This note is related to all the records in the current section. You can enter the note using the bubble icon on the control panel.

Works performed and Other entries

To enter daily records press the + button. Fill in data in the form window and save it with a disc icon. If you want to edit the entry, tap the entry line.

In these sections, you can attach images or any files to the diary entry. If you want to take a photo right now, just use the camera icon to start it. The size of single file attached in a diary must not exceed 30MB.

Daily report download

The Daily report is the output of all the daily entries in form of a PDF file. The file is generated by selecting Download daily report in PDF in the context menu. The context menu appears when you press the vertical dot button on the right side of the control panel.

At this moment it is not possible to digitally sign the daily protocol in the mobile app.