====== Signing and Locking ====== One way that Buildary can be used is to enter data, print the daily report and sign it on paper. In this case, the construction diary is still kept in paper form. For some users, it can be quite an acceptable way of work. The main purpose of Buildary is to keep the construction diary in electronic form. The conditions under which this can be achieved are described in the Legislation section and may vary and may vary country by country. This section also explains terms such as a qualified signature and a signature certificate. ===== Electronic signature ===== Before you sign Buildary reports, make sure you have a signature certificate. In some countries, you will need a qualified signature certificate issued by an official certification authority. If it is not your case, install Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and create your own signature certificate (in Acrobat Reader called Digital ID). This self-issued certificate will do the same work from the technical poin of view. If you save the certificate into the Windows repository, you do not need to type your password when using the certificate. ===== Daily report signing and day entries locking ===== With the first signature, the entries are locked and can't be edited any more. It applies to the Other entry report and to the Daily report as well. Other entry report signature locks only this one entry. The rest of daily entries can by still edited. Daily report signature locks all day. If you sign, and therefore lock the first daily report, be careful that it is really the first day in your diary. After the first day being locked, you are cannot enter any data before this day!!! In other words: The data can be entered into the diary in any order, but signing and locking of days must always be done gradually, starting with the first day of the construction diary. Before signing the Daily report, it is necessary to have all entries made by other users in the Other entries section signed. Buildary checks this condition. The daily report must first be first signed by the user responsible for the diary. That is the user with permission to edit regular entries. This way he can control when the day is actually locked. Other users can add their signatures later. Before downloading the report for signing, we recommend that you check the data in Buildary preview and resolve any possible discrepancies. Choose the "Download for electronic signature" option only when you are ready to sign the report. The procedure for signing the Other entry report and the Daily report is the same: * The "Download for Electronic Signature" option generates or downloads an existing report in pdf format. At the same time, the entry or the day is locked with a temporary lock (which is symbolized by a yellow underscore). The lock prevents all users from making any changes during the report signing procedure. \\ {{gallery>:en:diary:download_for_signature.png?direct&600|}} \\ {{gallery>:en:diary:download_for_signature2.png?direct&600|}} * Open the file in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC to view and sign it. Signing can be done in two ways: - Double click in the predefined signature field at the end of the report. - Select "Tools" in the menu. In the toolbar, select "Certificates". \\ {{gallery>:en:diary:tools.png?direct&600|}} In the panel above the document, press the "Digitally Sign In" button. Then, where you want to display the signature, draw a rectangle by dragging the mouse. {{gallery>:en:diary:digital_signature1.png? direct & 600 |}} In both cases, a list of available certificates opens. Choose one of the existing certificates and create a signature. {{gallery>:en:diary:signature.png?direct&600|}} * If you do not have any certificate, you can create one by selecting "Configure New Digital ID". The guide will navigate you through all necessary steps. You can also set up the visual appearance of the signature. Use Acrobat Reader help for more details. * After signing Acrobat Reader asks you to save the file. You can overwrite the downloaded file or you can save the file to any other directory. * In the signed file, you can see both a visual representation of the signature. To get the electronic signature details just double-click on that tag. {{gallery>:en:diary:digital_signature2.png?direct&600|}} * Upload the signed file back into Buildary by selecting "Upload Electronically Signed File". {{gallery>:en:diary:upload_signed_file.png?direct&600|}} If you have done all of the steps within the time limit set in the diary set up, then the file is saved and the entry or the day is permanently locked. The underline colour changes to green. {{gallery>:cs:diary:Podepisovani5.png?direct&600|}} Other users may then sign the protocol by the same procedure as described above. If the signature and upload are not executed within the time limit, then the temporary lock is cancelled. Upload after the limit is declined. The limit for signature is set in the diary settings window. The recommended setting is around 5 minutes. The diary administrator can adjust the limit to your needs.